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Exeter boys wear skirts to school to protest 'no shorts' policy in soaring temperatures

'The head teacher told them 'Well you can wear a skirt if you like' but I think she was being sarcastic'

Henry Austin
Thursday 22 June 2017 01:34 BST

A group of around 50 teenage schoolboys are set wear skirts to school to protests against its “no shorts” policy.

As temperatures soared this week, some of the pupils were angry that Exeter’s ISCA Academy insisted they wear long trousers.

Now they are planning to match their female counterparts by wearing skirts to school.

Claire Reeves, 30, told Devon Live that her son was “suffering” with the heat.

"I have called the school several times and they have told me that if I send my son to school in shorts then he will be sent to the isolation room all day and if I keep him off school then it'll be an unauthorised absence,” she said.

Another parent who did not wish to be named said: "The head teacher told them 'Well you can wear a skirt if you like' but I think she was being sarcastic.

"Now there are about 50 boys who are trying to borrow skirts off the girls and they all say they are going to wear them tomorrow," she said.

"Children also don't like injustice. The boys see the women teachers in sandals and nice cool skirts and tops while they are wearing long trousers and shoes and the older boys have to wear blazers. They just think it's unfair that they can't wear shorts in this heat.”

Headteacher Miss Aimee Mitchell said they are considering revising the school uniform policy.

"Shorts are not currently part of our uniform for boys and I would not want to make any changes without consulting both students and their families,” she told Devon Live.

"However, with hotter weather becoming more normal, I would be happy to consider a change for the future."

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